Child drawing with colourful crayons on paper

Drop Off and Collection

1.What does my child need to bring to nursery each day?

Babies/Toddlers will need:
A spare change of clothes (or two!)
Any comforters, dummies, sleeping bags or special blankets
Woolies, wellies and waterproofs in the winter
A sun hat in the summer
Where required:
Sterilised bottles, plus measured out milk formula
If breastfeeding, any expressed breast milk in bottles

Older children will need:
A spare change of clothing (lots more if toilet training!)
Woolies, wellies & waterproofs in the winter
A sun hat in the summer

**Anything your child brings should be labelled and handed over in a bag which has also been clearly labelled with your child’s name.**

2.What happens when I drop my child off?

Once enrolled you will press the camera entry system bell and a member of staff will acknowledge that they have seen you. They will then meet you at the main entrance door. Parents/carers are requested to pass the care of their child to a specific member of staff at the door who will ensure his/her safety (this is usually a child’s key person). The staff member receiving the child checks the child has been recorded on the Famly App.

On arrival please let staff know any messages, for example, if they have appointment they will attending or a change in who is collecting your child. Should your child require any prescribed medication during the day, it is at this point that you should notify staff and they will have you complete and sign a medicine form.

3.What happens when I collect my child?

Once enrolled you will press the camera entry system bell and a member of staff will acknowledge that they have seen you. Your child/ren will then be brought down to meet you at the main entrance door. The staff member releasing the child will check the Famly App to ensure that the child has been recorded as leaving the premises.

When you arrive the staff will let you know how your child has been in the day and any other important information.

4.What happens if I am delayed collecting my child?

We understand that from time to time being delayed is due to things out of your control. If you know you are going to be delayed, please contact us as soon as possible to let the team know your estimated time of arrival. If your child remains at nursery beyond opening hours, their Key Person or a familiar team member and a Manager would stay behind with them until they were collected.

If you are going to be significantly late, we advise that you ask a friend or family member to pick up your child on your behalf. Please contact us if this person isn’t on your ‘people who can collect list.’

Unfortunately if you are frequently late, we will charge a ‘late pickup fee’, at £6 per 15 minutes late (or part thereof). This is to compensate for the overtime that is paid to the two members of staff who stay behind with your child.

If your child is not collected and we are unaware that you are going to be late we will contact you and/or your emergency contacts – if we are unable to contact anyone our ‘uncollected child procedure’ will be followed.

5.What happens if someone else needs to collect my child?

When you register your child with us, we will ask you for a password which is unique to you and your family. If then for any reason you cannot collect your child and want to send a friend or relative instead, you must call us or message via the Famly App to let us know who is coming. We ask if at all possible to send a photo of the person collecting. Once that person arrives at nursery they will be asked for your password and their name. Unless both are correct we will not let your child go until we have contacted you.

Daily Activities

6.Will my child be able to sleep during the day?

Yes. We endeavour to try and stick to your child’s normal daily routines. When registering your child you will complete an ‘All About Me’ form which asks you about your child’s normal sleeping patterns and comforters.

7.How often will my child go outside?

As often as possible! All the children will go outside for some fresh air every day, whatever the weather. Outdoor play fosters a love of nature and the outdoors, and encourages healthy physical activity, team play and social inclusion.

Your child will also frequently go on local walks around Northowram village. This enables us to create positive links with a variety of services available within our community.

8.Why has my child come home with messy clothes?

One of the most remarkable things about children is their ability to make an inordinate amount of mess from quite an early age.

While as a parent/carer, you may be trying to find ways to cut down on sticky hands, it may seem ironic but at nursery we are planning for ‘messy play’. This is because it helps children build concentration, develop co-ordination, learn to think and have the time of their lives.

Precious clothes may make children look cute, but sadly, they often make their wearers worried in case they get into trouble. As this type of play is one that children remember later in fond memories, please send your children in clothes that are practical so that your child can have the time of their life!

9.What do I do if my child has a specific dietary requirement?

We will always endeavour to cater for children with specific dietary requirements. Please speak to the Nursery Manger or Deputy Manager for further information.

10.How is my child kept safe at nursery?

Whilst Growing Minds Nursery aims to be a welcoming environment for children and families, the safety and security of the children, team members, parents/carers and all other visitors to the nursery is paramount. We ensure the nursery is safe and secure using a variety of methods including ‘safe’ passwords, video entry systems, CCTV and daily registers, where staff sign children in and out of their main room.

Accidents, Illness and Medication

11.What happens if my child cannot attend their booked session due to illness?

We ask that you inform us as soon as possible to let us know why your child is unable to attend their booked session. You can inform us by ringing, e-mailing or messaging via the Famly App.

Fees are based on the reservation of a place for your child, not on actual attendance. Therefore, all fees are payable even if your child does not attend nursery for all their booked sessions.

12.What happens if my child becomes ill at nursery?

Parent/carer(s) will be always be informed when their child becomes ill at nursery. In order to take appropriate action of children who become ill and to minimise the spread of infection we implement the following procedures:

– For minor illnesses the staff member may ask for permission to administer calpol and then monitor the child. Parent/carer(s) would be contacted again and asked to pick up their child as soon as possible if their symptoms do not improve or they get worse.

– For fevers (temperatures over 38 degrees or above) and illnesses deemed contagious or more serious you will be aksed to come and collect your child as soon as possible. During this time we care for the child in a quiet, calm area with their key person, wherever possible. You may be advised to seek medical advice.

– For more serious illnesses where the team feel hospital treatment is required you will be contacted immediately to arrange someone to collect your child. Until someone arrives your child will be monitored and cared for by their key person, wherever possible. If their symptoms deteriorate we will follow our Transporting Children to Hospital Procedure.

– For severe accidents/incidents we will follow our Transporting Children to Hospital Procedure.

13.How long should I keep my child away from nursery for if they are unwell?

In the interest of all children and staff it is important that your child does not return to nursery until they are well enough.

Please refer to the Health Protection for schools, nurseries and other childcare facilities document for exclusion periods:

Visit This Link

14.What happens if my child has an accident at nursery?

At Growing Minds we ensure that all members of staff hold either a Full or Emergency Paediatric First Aid certificate.

For minor injuries first aid will be administered and your child will be monitored. You will then be informed at the end of the day about what happened.

For injuries that the First Aider feels a conversation needs to be had about how best to proceed the parents/carers will be contacted immediately by a senior member of staff whilst the First Aider cares for the child appropriately.

For more serious accidents, where the team feel hospital treatment is required, you will be contacted immediately to arrange collection of your child. Until someone arrives your child will be monitored and cared for by the first aider. If their symptoms deteriorate we will follow our transporting children to hospital procedure.

For severe accidents/incidents we will follow our transporting children to hospital procedure.

For all accidents an ‘Accident/Incident Report Form’ will be completed on the Famly App and sent electronically to you. You are then required to read and acknowledge via the app.

15.What do I do if my child requires prescribed medication whilst at nursery?

We can administer most prescribed medication at nursery – please refer to ‘Medication Policy’.

Fees and Invoices

16.How are the fees calculated?

Nursery fees are calculated on a calendar monthly basis which means each month may vary. Fees are payable in advance at the start of each month.

Fees for ad-hoc sessions will be calculated at the end of each invoicing period with any charge for any additional service being included in the next invoice issued.

17.When are the fees reviewed?

Fees are reviewed annually. Any changes will be applied in April. However, the Manager reserves right to review fees at any time to account for unforeseen cost increases.
Any such fee rises will be preceded by 1 calendar months notice.

18.What do the fees include?

Our fees include payment for all meals and snacks, local outings and access to the Family App.

For younger children it also includes leading brand nappies, wipes and nappy rash creams (e.g Sudocrem).

19.Will I be charged when the nursery is closed?


We are closed between Christmas and New Year and for all other statutory bank holidays.

We don’t charge for these closures.

20.What happens if my child cannot attend their booked session due to a holiday or another event?

We ask that you inform us as soon as possible to let us know why your child is unable to attend their booked session. You can inform us by ringing, e-mailing or messaging via the Famly App.

Fees are based on the reservation of a place for your child, not on actual attendance. Therefore, all fees are payable even if your child does not attend nursery for all their booked sessions.

21.Will I need to pay extra for any trips?

Wherever possible we will keep outing costs free for parents/carers. However from time to time trips may be organised where a cost is incurred due to entry fee or transport etc therefore you will be asked to contribute towards this. A letter will be sent out in advance giving you plenty of notice and time to pay.

Enrolment and Sessions

22.Is there a minimum number of sessions I can book?

At Growing Minds we require a minimum booking of two sessions or one full day per week.

This is essential to enable children settle into our nursery as it becomes a regular routine in their week.

23.How will Growing Minds help my child settle when they join the nursery?

Growing Minds operates a Key Person system, whereby each child and their family has a designated team member who will take lead responsibility for the relationship between the family and the nursery.

You know your child best and we are committed to working with you to make sure your child settles in to nursery life as quickly and as easily as possible. In order to help your child settle in when they first join the nursery Growing Minds offers:

1. A Home Visit – Prior to starting sessions at nursery, we endeavour to visit every child in their home, an environment where they feel safe and secure. This will usually be the Managing Director, Nursery Manager or Assistant Manager and the child’s key worker. This provides an ideal opportunity for paperwork to be fully completed, comprehensive information sharing between nursery and parents/carers, and for parents/carers to ask any questions or discuss concerns they may have. If this can not be carried out an All About Me meeting will be held at the nursery premises.

2. Settling In Visits – Prior to the first full day of attendance, arrangements will be made for ‘settling in’ visits at the nursery, so that you and your child can meet the team and visit the room in which they will be based. Please see our ‘Settling in Policy’ for more information.